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Why Brochures Are Effective Marketing Materials


You may wonder why businesses use up resources to print brochures when they could use digital marketing instead.

Could brochures be effective enough to spend the extra money and time?

Here, we'll take a closer look at why businesses lean so much on brochures and if they're truly effective.

Are Brochures Effective?

Simply put, yes. Marketing brochures are one of the most effective and versatile marketing tools used to inform customers of their services or products.

They are simple to produce, cost effective and easy to distribute. Brochures are well worth your consideration when coming up with a marketing strategy.

By creating a brief, but informative version of your organization's message, you can:

  • Relay core ideas
  • Introduce new products or services
  • Explain existing products and services
  • And much more

Customers can also pass along your brochures to other potential customers. This provides your business with even wider distribution of your information.

What effective brochures contain

A successful brochure can hold a lot of information about your company despite its unassuming size. Here are some of the components to include in your brochure:

Add engaging graphics

Graphics can be formatted to fit into a brochure. Not only do they provide an eye catching appeal to the overall design, they can be used to inform your audience as well.

Include informative charts & graphs

Charts and graphs can highlight sales figures or a map could be included to help customers find your location. Photos of your store or your service team in action could also be a great add on to your literature.

Feature coupons or promotions

Coupons or information about an upcoming sale are perfect for brochures as well. These are great ways to attract new customers and give them a reason to visit your business or try out your services at a discounted rate.

When to use brochures

Brochures come in many shapes and sizes. Often they come in a tri-fold layout and can include inserts such as business cards, coupons or additional pages and flyers.

Many people have come to expect printed materials from a credible business, and brochures are a perfect medium.

The low cost of brochures makes them especially beneficial for small businesses. Compared to other methods of promotion, it's hard to beat the price - and ROI - of brochures.

Costs will vary based on size, paper type, and quantity, but note that printing in larger quantities will reduce the price per piece.

Brochures for trade shows

It's very common to see businesses use brochures at trade shows. That's because it works! Businesses can print large quantities to have on hand at a far lower overall cost.

Brochures for media kits

Brochures also work well in conjunction with media kits. Media kits are usually given to news organizations or publications. They then feature stories about companies or business reviews based on the information received.

An overview of a company’s products and or services can be included as a brochure. Adding brochures to these kits makes it very easy to provide tailored messages.

Brochures for direct mail

The amount of information that a brochure can contain is a great advantage to using them. Brochures can hold much more information than a postcard or direct mail ad.

On top of that, a tri-fold design still allows for a colorful and catchy front page and five more separate sections for information.

Brochures for nonprofits

For nonprofit organizations trying to convey important information, brochures are a great option. They provide a way to share information while keeping the cost of printing low. A nonprofit organization can publish brochures for a specific target group with a custom message that works best in this format.

A nonprofit can print several unique brochures that cater to specific groups. This allows them to answer questions that specific people have about the organization or issues the group may handle. This option is made possible using Variable Data Printing. 

By creating a brief, but informative version of your organization's message, you can include:

  • Descriptions of your programs
  • Benefits provided by your programs
  • Ways you're helping your intended audience

Your brochure can also be an opportunity to answer the questions that supporters, clients and members ask most often. Answering these FAQs provides a personal touch and connection with your audience.

Another inclusion can be a call to action, giving your reader the information they need to get involved. This can be information about how they can make a donation, or contacts for them to reach out to in regards to volunteering their time.

Being successful with brochures for marketing

The simple and effective nature of a printed brochure is a fantastic tool to add to your bag of marketing strategies. It can even be used to support the online marketing you may already be doing.

Because they're so easy and affordable, any organization should consider using marketing brochures.

Order Brochures Today!

Why Brochures Are Effective Marketing Materials

Direct marketing is an important and valuable tool for many businesses and organizations that are focused on specific geographic areas, or are attempting to reach a small local community. One of the most effective methods for reaching a targeted audience when conducting a direct marketing campaign is canvassing.

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